Tenjin/Yakuin Area | Festival,Food & Drink(Finished)Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival 2024 [Fukuoka City Hall West Side Fureai Square]

Dates:10 May 2024 - 02 Jun 2024

A Marriage of the Foods of Fukuoka and Wines of Bordeaux 

Featuring a wide variety of wines from Bordeaux, and food and snacks from Fukuoka’s most popular stores. Enjoy this unique marriage of food and drink that can only be found in Fukuoka!

The Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival 2024 is being held in the Fukuoka City Hall West Side Fureai Square from May 10th until June 2nd. 

This is the 7th annual iteration of the event, and in it you can enjoy the flavors of Fukuoka’s most popular eateries together with wines from Bordeaux, one of Fukuoka’s designated sister cities. The stage will also feature live opera and jazz music performances. 

We hope you will come by to enjoy the food, drink, and music on offer! 

Featuring over 100 varieties of wines, ranging from the light and refined to the round and full-bodied. 

Over 100 varieties of wine are planned to be featured at the festival, with flavors ranging from the light and delicate to the bold and heavy. Wine enthusiasts will find something to enjoy in this extensive line-up of wines selected from famed vintners around the world. Reds, whites, and rosés are all included, and finding one that suits your palette is part of the fun of visiting! 

First- and second-label wines from the 5 Great Châteaux change daily!

Everyday wines from the 5 Great Châteaux change daily, giving visitors something new to try every day they come by. 

5 Great Châteaux first-label wine

Château Mouton Rothschild 

5 Great Châteaux second-label wines

Le Clarens de Haut-Brion
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux
Le Petit Mouton de Mouton Rothschild
Les Forts de Latour / Carruades de Lafite

≫For more information regarding the wine list please check the official site

Bordeaux Wine Council (CIVB) recognized member “Au Bord d’Eau Fukuoka” will have a special product! 

“Au Bord d’Eau Fukuoka” is a wine bar that was opened in 2016 in commemoration of 30th anniversary of the officialization of sister city relations between Fukuoka and Bordeaux (this was formalized in 1982 making the 30th anniversary 2012, but the building was completed in 2016). This wine bar and restaurant is the only one in all of Japan to be recognized as a member of the CIVB, and in their cellar they have wines with the highly valued Medoc appellation (Of the roughly 6,500 châteaux in Bordeaux roughly 1% meet the strict requirements to be called Medoc. There are then 5 ranks within the class of Medoc), and even feature wines that are directly imported and not yet purchasable on the wider market. At this year’s wine festival they will set up a special booth featuring their wines! 

Food: featuring popular restaurants and eateries from around Fukuoka

Food offerings such as steak and sausage have been curated to best pair with the wines on offer, the specialties of Bordeaux and the best of Fukuoka come together in a unique marriage you won’t find elsewhere. 
≫For more information on the food available, please check this site

Every day a different performance. A venue filled with beautiful and colorful music!

With genres ranging from classical pieces to pop numbers, the vocal unit “The LACK” will be making their appearance. Opera singers will also be among those lighting up the stage with their performances.
≫For more information on the performing artists please check the link here

Enjoy your wine in a cozy street-side wine bar setting under the night sky, illuminated by the colors of the national flag of France. 

Bordeaux is a beautiful port town that unites both the old and the modern. Wine bars and restaurants featuring mouth-watering wines and delicacies are tucked away into the city’s many winding streets, with a lively conversation to be overheard on every corner.

For this wine festival it’s almost as if that same spirit and atmosphere was bottled from Europe and brought back to Asia. Overhead, the starry night sky frames the lighting, set in the colors of the national flag of France.

What is the Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival?

The Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival was started to mark the 35th anniversary of the beginning of sister city relations between the two cities. This year marks the 7th annual holding of the festival. Fukuoka’s wine aficionados and tourists both come to try the many wines, lending an international flair and energy to the festival. 

Furthermore, the festival features food meant to pair well with the wine, allowing for visitors to learn more about Fukuoka’s specialties as well. 

Every year many come to partake of the wines and join the exuberant atmosphere. For those who like wine attending this event is a must!
About Fukuoka and Bordeaux’ sister city exchange

NOTE: Individuals under the age of 20 and those driving are legally prohibited from drinking at the event.


Free to enter/Food and drink require payment


Request to all visitors
When coming to the festival please obey and/or be mindful of the following:
・Those coming by car are not allowed to drink under any circumstances.
・Individuals under the age of 20 are not allowed to drink under any circumstances.
・Please use the designated smoking area if you would like to smoke.
・Bringing one’s own food or drink is prohibited.