Enjoy Walking Streets of Fukuoka Decorated With Colorful Spring Flowers!
As part of Fukuoka’s One Person One Flower initiative, from April 6th (Saturday) to April 14th (Sunday) the city will be hosting the One Person One Flower Spring Festival. Streets from Hakata all the way to Tenjin and Maizuru Park will become home to thousands of spring flowers planted by volunteers from elementary schools, businesses, volunteer organizations, and residents living close by. These many different people came together to plant 50,000 tulips and other flowers as a way of welcoming spring to Fukuoka.

One Person One Flower Spring Festival
Coloring the City with 50,000 Tulips
★Event Duration: April 6th 2024 (Saturday) ~ April 14th 2024 (Sunday)
To help promote a healthy lifestyle, the city will be coordinating with health app [Fukuoka Sanpo (Japanese only)] and be hosting a stamp rally for the duration of the festival. Those who manage to collect stamps from all 10 featured locations will receive a Soft Bank Hawks Stadium Voucher plus a 20% off coupon for all BOSS E・ZO FUKUOKA attractions.
*These vouchers expire on June 30th, 2024. These vouchers cannot be used from April 27th to May 6th.
10 featured locations
- The Chuo Ward Office
- Maizuru Park
- Fukuoka Growth next
- Fukuoka City Hall West Side Fureai Plaza
- Hakata Ward Office (Fujita Park)
- The Toko City Garden (In front of the Seiko Appliances Factory)
- Hakata Station (Chikushi Exit)
- Hakata Station (Station Square)
- Hotel Trad Hakata
- Seiryu Park
The main venue: Fukuoka City Hall West Side Fureai Plaza
At the main venue located in the Fukuoka City Hall West Side Fureai Plaza, flowerbeds and displays arranged by citizens, businesses, and students will be on display together with a variety of stalls selling food and gardening supplies. The warmth of the springtime sun and calming scent of flowers are one of the pleasures of the season, and this event will help provide visitors with a place to relax amidst the hustle and bustle of Tenjin.
Hanging Basket Exhibitors Wanted!
This year a wall of hanging flower baskets has been added to the One Person One Flower Spring Festival lineup! In order to help make it as colorful as possible the organizers are accepting applications for those interested in displaying their work.
For more information on how to apply please consult the official homepage of the 2024 One Person One Flower Spring Festival. (Deadline: March 20th (Wednesday・Holiday), by order of application).
✿ For details, please see the announcement on the official website.
Event Partners
Introducing: Flowers and Greenery Initiatives and Tourist Info!
eN Holdings Group
Encrest: aiming for a city filled with flowers, greenery, and things made with them.
The Chelsea Garden located at the En Hakata Building and the Encrest Condominiums are flower beds participating in the One Person One Flower campaign, both designed and planted by world-renowned garden designer Kazuyuki Ishihara.
This spring the Chelsea Garden, beloved by both the locals and guests at the Encrest group’s Hotel Trad Hakata, will be expanded and given a new design. In doing so we hope to help contribute to the creation of a more colorful Fukuoka city with flowers and greenery.
The Fukuoka Gyoseishoshi Lawyers Association
Fukuoka Chuo Branch
To help contribute to the city, we eagerly join Fukuoka’s greening initiative!
We at the Chuo Branch of the Fukuoka Gyoseishoshi Lawyers Association are taking part in many of the Chuo ward’s flower initiatives. We will be supporting the Terasu Flower Bed project, the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Flower Garden Contest, and the Fukuoka City Botanical Garden’s One Person One Flower Miniature Garden course.
For all of those having legal trouble in the city, please come and speak with us, the gyoseishoshi of Chuo Ward!